
There’s a tradition in Mexico called “la mordida” which means “the bite”. Usually, the birthday girl or boy get their face shoved into their birthday cake while everyone yells, “Mordida! Mordida!” In this case, Zaya’s face wasn’t pushed into the cake; but her father playfully encouraged her to bite her birthday cake after the candle went out.

I was standing with my camera in hand watching this unfold, so happy that her father encouraged her to bite right into her cake. However, I had no idea this was a Mexican tradition until I said to her father, “I love that you let her bite her cake!” He then explained to me the tradition and I thought that every child should be able to bite right into their birthday cake, especially Zaya.

Zaya, means fate, destiny, woman who wins and strong fighter which is completely fitting for this beautiful, strong soul. Zaya was born on January 1, 2019 and was delivered during a natural birth. Shortly after delivery, her oxygen levels dropped and she was rushed to a children’s hospital via flight.

Zaya’s parents, Rose and Justin, soon learned that their beautiful baby girl had a chromosomal abnormality called Trisomy 21 (Downs Syndrome) as well as a congenital heart defect called AV Canal Defect. This meant she had a large hole in the center of her heart. Her parents were told that she would be needing heart surgery before six months of age. The next few months were going to be a long, hard road of therapy, treatments and finding the best doctor to perform the surgery.

In May of 2019, just over four months after her birth, Zaya headed to Children’s Hospital Los Angeles for her open-heart surgery.

It was a success.

She is a strong fighter.

She is a woman who wins.

It has been five years since her beautiful, but traumatic entrance into the world; however, her parents have noted that she has passed gracefully through her daily struggles teaching us all more about love, compassion and strength.

While I was in Mexico, I had the pleasure of photographing Zaya’s 5th birthday and in that short time she truly did teach me about love, compassion and left me smiling. She brightens every space she is in, which was made very apparent during her grand entrance into her 5th birthday party in her princess dress.

In fact, during her whole party she was bright.

Every decoration she saw left her beaming.

Every face she saw left her smiling.

Every animal she saw left her giggling.

Every gift she was given left her in awe.

Every bite of her cake left her in complete bliss.

After meeting Zaya, you would never imagine the hardships she has been though. Zaya’s innocence and purity give us insight on how to navigate life. She shows everyone how to be in the moment, enjoy the little things and to fall in love deeply with everything and everyone.

If you ever have the chance to graced by Zaya’s presence, it’s fate and destiny.

Zaya is the Ambassador for Global Down Syndrome | @globaldownsyndrome

Follow her journey on Instagram | @lovelyzayab

in a sea of white

The journey starts as you drive down a rural road with the windows down on a spring day. As the farm comes into sight, it is truly breathtaking. There is nothing like seeing a vast sea of white cherry blossoms slowly and softly dancing in the spring breeze. The air is warm and there is a faint humming of bees who are busy at work. Everyone that comes onto the cherry farm has the same reaction and are in complete “awe”. 

Kids jump out of the car and excitedly run up and down the rows, picking dandelion seeds and blowing on them ever so gently sending the soft seeds into flight. Some also collect the vibrant yellow fully bloomed flowers making bouquets and tucking them behind their hair. There are kids looking for bugs in the newly sprouted grass and games of hide and seek behind the broad, proud trees. There is also dancing while sundresses are spun around and, of course, I am there quietly observing and documenting it all. 

My approach is to be as sneaky as possible while being along side the families. Some direction is given, but my favourite thing to do is to watch as they explore, play and run. I do love taking part in the exploration as well, especially when children are involved. I will often jump in and play, camera in hand, getting some of those unexpected, candid images. I tend to stay away from staging images, but more so prompt individuals to get those perfect moments to capture. The sessions are not limited to families. It also includes maternity, newborn, engagement as well as those just because. 

Every spring this familiar place brings me such joy as it is one of my favourite places to not only visit but also to take photos in. It is magical, surreal and the perfect place to make and document memories. The best part, is sharing it with you and showing you the beauty in the every day moments of your life. 

the maternity session: a whole different perspective

I meet Asia when I moved to Hamilton where we became acquaintances. Shortly after meeting her, I was scrolling through Instagram and Facebook and saw an ad for Toyota titled “the Hobbyist” which was in partnership with the Huffington Post. It was regarding how Asia was living her life as a Professional Speech and Language Pathologist as well as an Aerialist.

After watching this video, I contacted her immediately because I was intrigued. She told me she had been doing it for 6 years and was part of an aerial group called, The Hamilton Aerial Group (HAG), which met regularly at the Cotton Factory in Hamilton. I began attending aerial practices with her because my own curiosity and intrigue with Aerial Arts. While watching Asia I soon realized that she was a natural and truly in her element when on the silks, rope and trapeze. She made it look so easy which I can tell you, it is not.

During one of our practice sessions in September, she shared with me that she was pregnant and expecting in the Spring of 2020. Right away, our creative minds went to work and thought about the magic we could create while integrating her love for Aerial Arts, her journey through pregnancy and my love of photography. Asia continued to carefully practice silks and the trapeze under the guidance of her midwife and obstetrician.

We began the process at Halloween to announce her pregnancy in costume and in a location close to home. She nailed it (and so did her husband and dog).

Asia had hoped that we could do a maternity session near the end of her pregnancy but as she continued to practice and move into the third trimester she thought it would be best that we do a maternity session sooner than later because of her limited mobility while practicing. Due to this, we meet this past weekend to shoot her maternity session and it was just like every other practice, except my camera was in hand. She began the session with stretching, conditioning, a bit of acro then moving onto the trapeze and silks.


It was my favourite maternity sessions in my 8 years as a professional photographer and one of the most beautiful sessions I have ever photographed. I attribute this to the nature of the shoot. When the shoot is candid, in a location you are comfortable with all while doing something you love, you really do not need to try to get good photos. They just happen. The years of experience and love for this art form is so visible in the photos we took. Asia was so comfortable and happy the entire shoot.

She was in her element.

I encourage expecting moms to do the same, and I promise you the results will be the same; you end up with a series of photos which reflect who you are and that capture your journey though pregnancy.

the family photo

I have fond memories of being young and my mother making the yearly appointment at Sears for our family photos. It consisted of a bothered father who never dressed up and relied on my mother to select his clothes. There were my two sisters and I who loved to get dressed up but, it was utter chaos ensuring we had the perfect outfits and our hair was just right. When the day came, we all piled in the car and the typical sibling bantering began in the back seat as my father drove huffing and puffing.  My mother reminded us all that it was only once a year.

When we got there, we patiently waited for our time slot, squeezed into a tight spot where we would rest one of our hands on a faux fur table and the other on a sibling’s shoulder. There was a selection of the typical 90’s backdrops; the light brown with vignette edges, the sponge painted baby blue and the nature scene.

We were forced to fake smiles in between arguing with each other while the woman behind the camera made terrible jokes and forced us to repeat ridiculous sayings and words. The session then ended, and we would head back to the car. My dad began driving away while pulling his tie loose and undoing the top button of a dress shirt, the one he wouldn’t wear again. In the backseat we tugged on our braids, pulled on our matching bows and poked at each other.  Under her breath, we could hear my mom remind herself that it’s only once a year and would be worth it. I’m sure she also thought to herself that this was the only time she was ever in any photos as she was always the one taking them.


We waited weeks for the phone call to notify us the photos were ready. My mom would head to the photo studio to view the proofs and select a handful which then would be printed and picked up again.

This stress took away from the fact that this was supposed to be an annual event which brought our family joy and captured a moment in our lives. The only thing I remember about this was how unnatural it felt and the tension for the entirety of the event.

I reflect upon these experiences as I prepare to capture such beautiful moments in the lives of others and when I am actively behind the camera shooting. My goal as a lifestyle photographer is to build connections with the individuals I am working with in order to gain a better understanding of the essence of who they are. Those raw, candid moments of everyday life is what captivates me as a photographer; it is what I chase and look for.

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The minute I receive an inquiry for my services the connection begins. I love hearing about the family, the relationships, activities and places that bring them joy and make them feel the most at home. I use this insight to ensure the day is planned to reflect the family I am shooting for.

The relationship with the family continues to build as stories are told and laughs are shared during the session. The family interacts and at first, the little ones are usually timid and shy. Within minutes, everyone warms up and the genuine nature of each individual shines. It’s go time for me!

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There are no starchy suits, ties or dress-shirts which will never be worn again. I encourage the mommas to let the bows and braids become loose and the perfectly coiffed hair to blow in the wind. The knees of the children are usually soiled with sand and grass stains and if puddles are found, they will be splashed in. Embracing the innocence of childhood allows each child to become so comfortable that arguing or lack of cooperation is usually an afterthought. This is when the true essence of each child becomes visible. The session becomes a family outing. It is a time where everyone is enjoying each other’s company and doing something that is natural to them. Without even noticing, I am present and quietly witnessing these beautiful moments and capturing them.


I encourage you to think differently about your family photos and photography in general. 

Let your kids be kids.

Let them play, laugh, grab sticks, chase each other and pick flowers. 

Let the clothes become soiled and the dresses wrinkled.

Let them fall.

Let the wind blow and their hair gently whip across their face.

I promise you, by doing so, you will avoid having to bribe your significant other to smile as well as make deals with your children in order for them to be on their best behaviour. Enjoy yourself and become fully present. Look around and marvel at the fact that this is your life, the beautiful story you are living and have created.